The Three Purposes of Marketing


What is the purpose of marketing?


Very few people can answer this question, let alone, tell you how to achieve those primary purposes.


If you were to ask this question to 100 different business people, you would get a myriad of different answers. Some people would tell you that the purpose of marketing is to get your name out in the marketplace, and others will tell you marketing builds your brand name. A common response is that marketing assists in generating leads that are then passed over to the sales team and the others will say marketing generates sales. Then there are people that will say that marketing builds brand awareness.


The truth is that all of these answers are correct. They are results of what occurs when your marketing and advertising efforts are working.


The purpose of marketing however, cannot be answered simply. In this post, I break down three main objectives that successful marketing strategy should always aim to achieve. 


Marketing is supposed to do three things:

Capture attention

Educate prospects


Let’s go into these in detail:


Objective #1: Capture attention

Capture the attention of your target market/prospects. This seems simple enough to do, however, it requires strategic planning and implementation to do so. Most of the time, I see people doing this incorrectly. We ensure that you’re doing this the right way. 


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