The 5 Goals to Consider When Creating a Marketing Strategy

 Life is full of big decisions. And, nine times out of ten, they're not ones you want to jump into without a little thought or pre-planning.

The same can be said about your business and its marketing activities. You're not executing campaigns just for the sake of it, and you'll struggle to justify your spend without real thought behind what you want to get back from it. You're working towards something. You're working towards a goal. You perhaps just haven't defined what that looks like — yet.

According to an industry survey of more than 3,200 marketers, those who set goals were 376% more likely to report success than those who didn't.

Goals are there to provide clarity, purpose, direction and vision. Whether personal or commercial, they are what lead to success for you, your department, and the business as a whole. Hitting your goal proves you're making an impact. We all want to feel like we're contributing, right?

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These are the key areas for which marketing usually finds itself responsible, and they will ultimately influence your company's ability to acquire — and retain — its customers.

You might find yourself recognizing some more than others, and that's totally normal — your marketing goals should be closely aligned with the needs of your business, and every business is different.

Here, we're going to explore the five major goals you should consider when creating and implementing a marketing strategy. These goals should help you achieve maximum results in 2020 and beyond.

1. To increase brand awareness.

Your company has a market to conquer, a product to launch, or perhaps just a flag to wave. Either way, your primary goal is likely to increase awareness of your brand, so your company is always on the list when people are looking to solve a particular problem.

Every brand has a personality — a human voice shaped by the tone you strike and the platforms you're using and the subjects or topics you're talking about. If your goal is to raise brand awareness, figuring out what that personality is and how that voice sounds are two great places to start.

When it comes to creating a strategy around this goal, consider the kinds of places where your target buyers spend the most time. The chances are high that you'll want to look into a social media strategy, which gives you a platform to engage with your target audience. This could come in the form of sharing interesting articles related to your industry, posting about your company culture, or conducting polls to connect with your audience.

You can even take it a step further and create free content for your targeted audience, such as ebooks, guides, checklists, templates, and educational videos.


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